Chmura Economics & Analytics Public AI Responsibility Statement

As an industry leader in providing labor market and talent intelligence information to hundreds of clients, Chmura Economics & Analytics (Chmura) recognizes the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in our core operations and as a potential for advancing productivity worldwide. With the great power of artificial intelligence also comes great responsibility. Chmura knows that data ethics and security is important to our clients, and the use of AI is no exception to this rule.

Chmura centers all AI development and use around the following four principles:

Partner and client data privacy and protection should be prioritized in consideration of any AI use. 

  • AI should be designed and implemented with guardrails to ensure the privacy and integrity of client and internal data in compliance with local and national regulations, preventing unauthorized access or exposure.
  • Proper governance and precautionary measures must be taken to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information.

AI processes must be developed transparently and ethically.

  • Any AI creation should reduce bias to the greatest possible extent to prevent unintentional harm and inaccuracy.
  • AI should give the user a feeling of enhanced efficiency rather than a replacement of responsibilities.

AI models should be well-monitored to spot and fix and potential inefficiencies.

  • True to our commitment to data quality and accuracy, AI models must be well-tested with outputs thoroughly validated.
  • Key AI performance metrics should be reviewed consistently to limit errors and enhance customer experience.

In accordance with the "Chmura Way," our employees are responsible for upholding the integrity of our policies.

  • Supported by strong internal governance, training, and data security, all Chmura employees are expected to maintain the utmost integrity and honesty in the development and use of internal and external AI models.
  • Chmura employees are empowered to raise any concerns or ideas regarding current and future AI model development.



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